Fall Relief: An effort to reduce falls and related injuries among age group 65 and older

Most people consider falls are inevitable in seniors. Wrong! Contrary to the common belief, in most cases accidental falls are preventable.

Globally, falls are a major public health problem. For people aged 65 years or older, the average health system cost per fall injury in Australia is a substantial A$ 1630.

Implementation of effective prevention strategies with a subsequent 25% reduction in the incidence of falls for the 65+ age group could create a net savings of over A$ 50 million.

Our product “Fall Relief” is born to solve this issue and improve user’s lifestyle, by providing them with a targeted lifestyle plan which includes exercises and dietary regimes catered based on the user’s current deficiency to help them live a better life and reduce the likelihood of falling.

Visit Fall Relief now For enquiries and support, contact us at fallrelief@outlook.com

Made by a group of 4: 2 Business Analyst, an IT Developer and a Data Scientist - Team BigHD